After receiving your package you have 14 days to decide whether you want to return your order. After registration of return you have 7 days to send the return. If you do not do this on time, your return notification will expire and you will have to pay the costs of the product.
Some of our products are custom cut/made for you. Personalized orders can not be returned. Are you unsure whether your order falls under these exceptions? Please contact us via
After delivery of the goods to the delivery service, our liability lapses. If you accept the package from the deliverer, this is equivalent to acknowledging that you have received the shipment complete, undamaged and in good order.
Should you nevertheless discover damage or loss of goods when unpacking your package, you must report this immediately with photos of the damaged goods and packaging. This must be done within 24 hours. After this time, we can no longer trace where the damage occurred.
If you receive the order and there is damage, we advise you to refuse the package. Even as soon as you suspect that your order has been opened.
If the product you ordered is broken or damaged. Then we ask you to contact us. via order(@) Send photos and a specific description. In addition, we can help you best if you also state your order number.